Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sideways Stories...

Number of times the microwave beeped before my boss came in to get her coffee:
... and then her coffee was cold again and so she restarted it...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Reality Check.

I LOVE SPRING BREAK! wait, what? spring break only lasts a week and then i have to go back to the daily grind of putting up with crazies? hardly seems fair. i'm moving to france where they have month long vacations and eat cheese and drink wine all day.

really though, spring break has been swell. got lots of chores done, got to play lots and lots, put my newly painted toesies in the ocean and practice my calligraphy. i still have two more days left to enjoy so i'm going to go finish my coffee and soak in the rest of the weekend. :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hurts So Good.

yesterday, i went to a bootcamp workout class with my mom where (excuse my language) i got my ass handed to me by a group of women either:
a) older than me or
b) more overweight than me or
c) both of the above
today, i ache all over but it feels like success. it feels like discovering new boundaries and muscles i never knew existed.

tonight, achy and sore all over, i attended my first yoga class ever (thanks kate!). i stretched my poor muscles and took deep breaths and focused on my center. i learned that worries and stress get stuck in your hips and i think that explains very well why my hips are so big. i also got a reminder to look at the bright side of things and to let go of those worries, so hopefully i'll be dropping a couple inches off these big hips soon ;)

i intend to read a little bit of my book and sleep early tonight. my bed is a little empty but i have two purple post-its on my wall to tell me i'm loved and tomorrow i have my cuddlebuddy back! sweet dreams world.

happy highlights
*a lunch break with a friend for once*meeting a neighbor*playing hookie to go take a lookie at peacocks at the arboretum*long walks with great friends*got started planning a certain bachelorette party*only one day away from a week off*

life. is. good.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fortune Cookie Say

"time for a road trip with a friend"
lucky numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42
(just kidding)

but really, besides the fortune cookie (which i really did get!), my insides have been begging for a road trip lately.

She grew up on a side of the road
Where the church bells ring and strong love grows
She grew up good
She grew up slow
Like American honey

Steady as a preacher
Free as a weed
Couldn't wait to get goin'
But wasn't quite ready to leave
So innocent, pure and sweet
American honey

There's a wild, wild whisper
Blowin' in the wind
Callin' out my name like a long lost friend
Oh I miss those days as the years go by
Oh nothing's sweeter than summertime
And American honey

Get caught in the race
Of this crazy life
Tryin' to be everything can make you lose your mind
I just wanna go back in time
To American honey, yea

There's a wild, wild whisper
Blowin' in the wind
Callin' out my name like a long lost friend
Oh I miss those days as the years go by
Oh nothing's sweeter than summertime
And American honey

Gone for so long now
I gotta get back to her somehow
To American honey

Ooh There's a wild, wild whisper
Blowin' in the wind
Callin' out my name like a long lost friend
Oh I miss those days as the years go by
Oh nothin's sweeter than summertime
And American honey
And American honey

~lady antebellum, "american honey"

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hello Spring.

well, hello there Spring. where have you been for the past nine months? i guess that's neither here nor there now that you've come back to me. i can't wait to see what you have in store :)

i did some spring cleaning today and the house feels fresher. a clean room with clean sheets on my bed, a clean bathroom stocked with freshly cleaned towels, new flowers potted next to our avocado babies (pictured below). i feel that winter lasted a little too long this year and i am more than ready to move into this warmer weather and blossom filled season.

*mr. & mrs. avocado*

we started this weekend off with some much needed girl and wine time. beginning the night with delicious "free lunch friday" thai food, fresh yellow lilies from di, lots of laughs from and ending the night finding some great musical goodies i had forgotten (including Patrick Swayze's "She's Like The Wind," Brett Dennen, and Colin Hay's "Beautiful World." thank you gentlemen!) and falling asleep on the couch with the roomies. <3

now monday is just around the corner and next weekend feels like it's forever away. i suppose i shall have to fill my time at work finding ways to escape. i have a big feeling the time for something better is here. :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


i am making the big jump from xanga to blogspot. i know most everyone in the universe made this jump long ago, but as always, i am the last to make the change. there's something about letting go of the past that is always more than hard for me. so finally, i say hello blogspot! :) i can't wait to let my mushy brains out onto your pages for my personal satisfaction.

i came home from work early today to job hunt. thanks to Di, i was introduced to some great websites and sent out a few applications. i am feeling a little more hopeful that i will find something more fulfilling to do with my time. i miss doing things i love. i get home from work and am too tired to do the things that make me really happy. i miss the beach and the sunshine and friendly people and artsy places and fresh breezes. thank goodness for our heavenly lanai to soothe my soul.
